Capitable Group

Fast, Flexible, and Reliable Funding Options

Capitable Group offers a range of financing options to help your business thrive and grow

Cash Advance

Receive fast, unsecured funding, usually in 24-48 hours, and pay it back over time from a portion of your daily or weekly sales.

Term Loan

Loans have varying term lengths, depending on funding needs and your business’s specific situation. Options include a zero-interest initial period; a short-term bridge to cover operational needs; and longer-term amortizing loans. All the flexibility at incredibly competitive rates!

Line of Credit

One of the most flexible financing products, a business line of credit allows you to borrow and pay back multiple times on the same line, and only pay interest on the money you borrow. Great for seasonal businesses, unexpected expenses, or to help manage cash flow

Equipment Financing

There are multiple ways to finance equipment for your business, including straight purchase, operating or capital leases, or sale-leaseback arrangements. These are excellent vehicles to optimize the utilization of your business assets.

SBA Loans

We assist you throughout the application process with SBA-approved lenders. Since these loans are partially guaranteed by the government, rates are very competitive, but the application process is detailed and lengthy. A great option for large projects.

Invoice Factoring

Receive cash in exchange for your unpaid customer invoices. Improve cash utilization and efficiency by cycling your receivables multiple times on a fixed cycle. Approval based on collections record.

Cash Advance

Receive fast, unsecured funding, usually in 24-48 hours, and pay it back over time from a portion of your daily or weekly sales.

Term Loan

Loans have varying term lengths, depending on funding needs and your business’s specific situation.

Line of Credit

One of the most flexible financing products, a business line of credit allows you to borrow and pay back multiple times

Equipment Financing

There are multiple ways to finance equipment for your business, including straight purchase, operating or capital leases,

SBA Loans

We assist you throughout the application process with SBA-approved lenders. Since these loans are partially

Startup Funding

As a startup founder, securing adequate funding is essential for the growth and success of your company.
At Capitable Group

Real Estate

Capitable Group serves as a reliable partner for all your real estate financing needs. Whether you are an experienced investor

Large Capital Project

Maximize the potential of your ambitious business venture by accessing the essential financial resources you need.